Learning Log

Before each group meeting, Climates of Resistance participants are expected to spend self-paced time exploring and reflecting on a curated set of resources. All required materials are freely available online. Students will record research findings and insights in their Learning Log via Google Forms, which will automatically save their progress and send a copy of submitted entries to their inbox. 

This assignment will support students in achieving Learning Objective 2: Compare similarities and differences between the environmental inequities experienced by various marginalised people in the US and around the world, especially Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and diasporic Asian communities.

Assignment Details: Learning Log responses are used by the Teaching Team to inform class sessions. Even though final grading for content happens at the end of the course, it is important that each sessions entry be completed well in advance of class, so that everyones thoughts can be reflected in group materials and all participants are prepared for community conversation.

Specific details for each week’s preparatory work, including any required word counts, are indicated via spacing and/or instructions throughout the Google Forms.

The professor will regularly review Learning Log entries, and is happy to provide students with an indicative grade at any time. Students may make changes to previous entries based on instructor feedback and class discussions at any time before the final submission is due. (Submission emails will include a link allowing participants to make edits directly in each Google Form.

Rubric: grades for theLearning Log” assignment will be determined using the criteria below, up to 1 point per entry (together making up 15% of the final course grade).

you submitted the session’s Learning Log by the deadline, well in advance of class (0.5 points)

Tips for meeting the criteria:

you fully completed each exercise in a non-cursory manner (0.1 points)

Tips for meeting the criteria:

your responses to prompts are reflective and unique to you and your positionality (0.1 points)

Tips for meeting the criteria:

you brought prior knowledge, external research, and/or the week’s multiple media into your entries (0.1 points)

Tips for meeting the criteria:

you highlighted ideas and information that will aid you in contributing meaningfully to class and/or support your other assignments (0.1 points)

Tips for meeting the criteria:

you specified which group(s) particular issues apply to and bring a comparative perspective across contexts, synthesising information (0.1 points)

Tips for meeting the criteria: