Music Video Co-Creation

the “Climates of Resistance: Raise Your Voice” project

Raise Your Voice Labs applies methods of musical peacebuilding, facilitated dialogue, and circle singing to help groups find their common ground, share concerns, and voice their collective identity through musical co-creation. Echoing a major tenet in environmental justice, the process is as important as the product: being heard and actively engaging in decision-making is crucial to community empowerment and just outcomes.

Each semester, the “Climates of Resistance: Raise Your Voice” project brings together scholarship and art to produce a music video celebrating the course community and highlighting diverse perspectives in environmental justice.

How does this work?

we start with a musical dialogue in class...

after our brainstorming workshop, Austin and Micah create a backing track, and we invite submissions with the guidance below:

Be sure to follow the recording guidance from Raise Your Voice Labs, so we can spotlight you in the best quality.

then the Raise Your Voice team puts together all the multimedia submissions, resulting in an audiovisual reflection of our learning each semester!